Union Health Ministry launched SAKSHAM Learning Management Information System

Current Affairs

  • Shri Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary launched the SAKSHAM (Stimulating Advanced Knowledge for Sustainable Health Management), a Learning Management Information System (LMIS) of MoHFW.
  • This digital learning platform has been developed by the National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi. 
  • SAKSHAM is an integrated and specialized online learning platform aimed at providing medical education and training to all healthcare professionals in India.
  • This digital system will guarantee comprehensive development of healthcare professionals, including those working in rural and remote areas at primary health centres, as well as those employed in tertiary care and corporate hospitals located in metropolitan cities.
  • Currently SAKSHAM: LMIS is hosting more than 200 public health and 100 clinical courses through online mode. Health professionals can register themselves for these courses on the portal through url:  https://lmis.nihfw.ac.in/ and get the certification after undergoing requisite training and qualifying the required assessment criteria.

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