- Indian Navy divers and Marine Commandos are in the Maldives for the sixth edition of Exercise Ekatha with Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) from 4th June to 3rd July.
- The annual exercise is conducted between the two forces to enhance interoperability in diving and special operations.
- Earlier, the fifth edition was held from 5th September 2022 to 3rd October 2022, Chief of Defence Force Major General Abdullah Shamaal handed the certificates to the Indian Navy training team.
- The location of the Maldives, at the intersection of commercial sea-lanes running through the Indian Ocean, makes it strategically important for India, particularly in the light of China’s growing aggression in the region.
- India was among the first to recognise Maldives after its independence in 1965 and to establish diplomatic relations with the country.
Exercise Ekatha