- Citing 1,350 cases pending disposal for more than 10 years, a Parliamentary committee has asked the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) to decide them on a priority basis, specifically the ones related to pensions and senior citizens.
- The tribunal adjudicates service matters of central government employees.
- As many as 80,545 cases are pending in different benches of the tribunal as on December 31, 2022.
- Of these, 16,661 cases are pending for zero to one year, 46,534 for one to five years, 16,000 for five to 10 years and 1,350 for more than 10 years, the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice said in its report.
- The panel said according to the Central Administrative Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1987, every application should be heard and decided as far as possible, within six months from the date of its registration.
A Parliamentary committee asked the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) to decide on a priority basis the cases pending disposal for more than 10 years