Previous Year Question Paper Of JOAIT – Post Code – 556 of the year 2017.
#1. निम्न में से कौन सा एक परंपरागत ऊर्जा स्रोत है?
#2. सूर्य ग्रहण के समय
#3. वैज्ञानिक जिन्होंने प्रथम बार खोज की कि पृथ्वी, सूर्य के चतुर्दिक परिक्रमण करती है?
#4. जल का घनत्व होता है
#5. बॉल पेन किस सिद्धांत पर कार्य करता है?
#6. जब बर्फ पिघलती है तो उसका
#7. ध्वनि की तरंगे नहीं गुजर सकती
#8. अति उच्च तापमान मापने के लिए प्रयुक्त उपकरण क्या है?
#9. मानव नेत्र के रेटिना पर बना प्रतिबिंब होता है:
#10. फ्यूज वायर मिश्र धातु का बना होता है वह क्या है?
#11. एक राडार किरण बनी होती है
#12. मक्खन एक कलिल है जो बनता है जब
#13. निम्न कौन सा एक रसायनिक परिवर्तन नहीं है?
#14. निम्न में से कौन सी धातु सबसे नरम है?
#15. ड्राई आइस क्या है :
#16. ग्लास की उत्तम व्याख्या निम्न के रूप में है:
#17. भारी वाहनों मेंडीजल का प्रयोग ईंधन के रूप में किया जाता है क्योंकि
#18. प्राकृतिक रबर एक बहुलक है?
#19. शुद्ध जल का pH कितना होता है?
#20. विनेगर का मुख्य घटक क्या है?
#21. विटामिन B12 मौजूद धातु क्या
#22. वर्मीकंपोस्ट क्या है?
#23. थैला क्या है?
#24. पुरुषों कितने जोड़े पसलियां पाई जाती
#25. डायनासोर थे:
#26. MRI की फुल फॉर्म है:
#27. ट्यूबरक्लोसिस का क्या कारण है?
#28. इंसुलिन एक प्रकार का है:
#29. पौधे द्वारा भोजन तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया क्या कहलाती है?
#30. मानवों में पित्त का संग्रह कहां होता है?
#31. मानव चर्म है:
#32. एक बीज है पका हुआ वह क्या कहलाता है?
#33. सबसे ऊंचा वृक्ष है?
#34. मिश्रित कृषि क्या हैं?
#35. केचुऐ कृषक मित्र कहलाते हैं क्योंकि:
#36. केसर पादप के किस भाग से प्राप्त किया जाता है?
#37. निम्न में से क्या चाय के उत्तेजक प्रभाव के लिए जिम्मेदार है?
#38. पश्मीना ऊन अपनी उष्णता के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, इसे प्राप्त किया जाता है?
#39. साइबर दुनिया में एंक्रिप्शन (Encryption) से क्या आशय है / ‘Encryption’ in cyber world means
#40. सुपर कंप्यूटर का जनक कौन है? / Who is father of Super Computer?
#41. निम्न कौन सी कंप्यूटर लैंग्वेज एक कार्यविधि उन्मुख लैंग्वेज नहीं है? / Which one of the following computer language is not the procedure-oriented language?
#42. निम्न में से कौन सा एक एप्लीकेशन यूनिक्स को एक परिचालन प्रणाली के रूप में उपयोग करता है? / Which one of the following applications uses the UNIX as an operating system?
#43. निम्न में से कौन सा एक इंटरनेट प्रोटोकोल वर्जन सर्वाधिक परीनियोजित इंटरनेट लेयर प्रोटोकोल है? / Which one of the following internet protocol version is the most deploye internet layer protocol?
#44. कंप्यूटर फायरवॉल क्या है? / What is computer firewall?
#45. What is the Super Cookie?
#46. निम्न में से कौन सा माइक्रोप्रोसेसर विश्व का पहला व्यापारिक तौर पर उपलब्ध माइक्रोप्रोसेसर है? / Which one of the following microprocessors is the world’s first commercially available microprocessors?
#47. सुपर कंप्यूटर में सर्वाधिक सामान्य तौर पर प्रयुक्त ऑपरेटिंग प्रणाली कौन सी है ? / Most commonly used operating system in the super computers is
#48. कंप्यूटर विज्ञान के जनक कौन है?/ Who is father of Computer Science?
#49. ‘यापनीय’ एक सम्प्रदाय था :
#50. सारनाथ बुद्ध के जीवन के किस पहलू से संबंध रखता है?
#51. महान विद्वान बाणभट्ट किसके शासनकाल में रहे?
#52. “जौबनी” एक परंपरागत नृत्य शैली है जो उत्तर-पूर्वी भारत में प्रस्तुत होती रही है:
#53. निम्न में से कौन सी एक नृत्य नाटिका है?
#54. भारत की पहली बोलती फिल्म 1931 में निर्मित थी:
#55. निम्न कौन सा स्थल प्रागैतिहासिक चित्रकला के लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
#56. किस स्थान पर प्रसिद्ध गुढ त्रिमूर्ति सदाशिव अवस्थित है?
#57. Gandhar Art is a combination of
#58. Who wrote the book ‘Neel Darpan’?
#59. The sangam text Talkappiyam’ is a work on
#60. ‘Baisakhi’ is celebrated on
#61. Which of the following festival is closely related to the legendary King Bali?
#62. Which of the following leader never became the president of Indian national Congress?
#63. Who of the following was known as ‘Deshbbandhu’?
#64. All India Trade Union Congress was formed in the year
#65. Mahatma Gandhi became the president of Indian National Congress in
#66. Who is remembered as the pioneer of economic nationalism?
#67. Who presided over the Cabinet Mission?
#68. Who of the following was associated with the August offer?
#69. Who was called the ‘Iron Man of India’?
#70. Who is known as ‘Lok Nayak’?
#71. Quit India Movement was launched in response to
#72. The first state in India which was created on linguistic basis
#73. Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India on 26th October of
#74. Who amongst the following drafted the ‘Sarvodaya plan’.
#75. Which revolutionary died after 64 days fast in Jail?
#76. Rani Gaidinliu was the fearless freedom fighter from which part of the then British India?.
#77. The members of the Rajya Sabha are
#78. what is the fix number of members of lok Sabha?
#79. The function of the Pro-tem Speaker is to
#80. What is ‘Zero hour’?
#81. To whom does the public Accounts Committee submit its report?
#82. How many types of writs can be issued by the Supreme Court?
#83. Which of the following is not appointed by the Governor?
#84. The salary of the Governor is charged on
#85. The three recommended by
#86. PRIYASOFT’ is related to
#87. Who is the chairman of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission?
#88. A financial emergency can be declared by applying which of the following article of the constitution of India?
#89. How many languages have been recognized by the Constitution?
#90. Which of the following is contained in the eleventh schedule of Indian Constitution?
#91. Which one of the following scheme is the recast form of the national Literacy Mission of India?
#92. Who are provided social security under the ‘Aam admi Bima Yojna’?
#93. National Rural Employment Guarantee launched initially in
#94. NITI Aayog stands for
#95. Where is the Central Rice Research Institute located?
#96. Gilt edged means
#97. Priority sector lending by banks in India Constitutes the lending to
#98. The major aim of devaluation is to
#99. Insurance trade in India is regulated by
#100. ‘Octroi’ is levied and collected by
#101. Where was the electricity supply first introduced in India?
#102. The term ‘Paper Gold’ means
#103. Which one of the following is not a member of MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market)?
#104. Which one of the following states has the longest coastline?
#105. Western Ghats are
#106. With which country India has the longest International boundary?
#107. Zanskar range is situated in
#108. Which one of the following states has the world’s largest Fresh water island?
#109. Which one of the following rivers forms an estuary?
#110. The technique of inducing rain from cloud is called
#111. Which one of the following is the first National Park established in India?
#112. Which type of soil retains the maximum amount of water?
#113. Terrace farming is done
#114. Which of the following is not a Kharif crop?
#115. Tehri dam is built on which of the following rivers?
#116. Which of the following is called the ‘shrimp Capital India’?
#117. Which of the following states is the largest producer of Rock Phosphate in india?
#118. ‘Manchester’ of South India is
#119. Which is the artificial port of India?
#120. Which one of the following is the largest tribal group of India as per Census 2011?
#121. ‘Red Data Book’ gives information about species which are
#122. SPM’ stands for
#123. Ozone holes are more pronounced at the
#124. ‘Shola Forest’ are
#125. The largests number of Tiger Reserves in India are located in
#126. Which gas is responsible for global warming?
#127. The oldest coal-field in India is
#128. A cube is divided into 27 small cubes of 3 cm each. What will be the length of the side of the big cube?
#129. Piyush walked 7 m in the direction of North and then he turned to his right and walked 6 m. After this he turned to his right and moved 15m. Now how far is he from the starting point?
#130. Read the following and answer the Questions:- A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a circle facing towards the centre. D is between F and B. A is second to the left of D and second to the left of D and second to the right of E. Who is facing towards A?
#131. Read the following and answer the Questions:- A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a circle facing towards the centre. D is between F and B. A is second to the left of D and second to the left of D and second to the right of E. Who is facing towards D?
#132. Raman is 9th from downwards in a class of 31 students. What will be his position from upwards?
#133. Introducing a woman, a man said, “His father is the only son of my mother.” How is the woman related to that man?
#134. If all the numbers from 7 to 51 which are divisible by 7 are removed, then how many numbers will be left?
#135. If the third day of the month is Monday, then which day will be on the 5th day after the 21st of the month?
#136. In a code ‘NOBLE’ is denoted by ‘QREOH’ then the coded form of ‘PLATE’ in the same code will be
#137. As ‘Bird’ is related to ‘wing’, in the same way, ‘Fish’ is related to
#138. Which one of the following does not belong to the group of others?
#139. If a Mosque is called Gurdwara, Gurdwara is called Temple, the temple is called Church, Church is called fire temple then tell where do the Christians do their worship?
#140. Who has been named India’s richest person in Forbes latest list?
#141. Who is the author of the book ‘Citizen and Society’?
#142. Who became India’s first woman to win a medal at the Paralympics?
#143. Which one of the following became the 35th member Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)?
#144. Which Indian-origin man has been honoured with Knighthood?
#145. Which country successfully test fired Shaheen-1A missile?
#146. Lobsang Sangey has been re-elected as the Prime Minister of
#147. Which country’s Parliament became first in the world to run fully on solar energy?
#148. Who became the first English cricketer to score 10,000 test runs?
#149. Who became the most successful female climber of Mount Everest?
#150. The ‘Sunway Taihulight’ has been declared as the fastest in the world.
#151. Euro Cup-2016 was won by
#152. World’s first quantum-enabled satellite ‘Micius’ was launched by
#153. The first BRICS film
#154. The world’s largest radio telescope ‘FAST’ was commissioned by
#155. The ambassador of ‘Make in India’ initiative is
#156. India’s fastest train is
#157. The chairman of 21st Law Commission is
#158. Who became India’s first women member of the IOC?
#159. Which state became the first state to ratify the GST Bill?
#160. ‘INS Tarmugli’ is the first
#161. ‘Swachh Himachal Padhai Bhi, Safai Bhi’ campaign was launched by
#162. Which state of India became the first state to launch the Rotavirus Vaccination Project?
#163. The 2015 Paragliding World Cup was held in
#164. India’s first e-Vidhan Mobile App was launched by
#165. Which one of the following was associated with INA?
#166. Who was the first Health Minister in the Indian Cabinet?
#167. Ice-Skating club is located in which district of Himachal Pradesh?
#168. Indira Gandhi Medical college is located at
#169. Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry was established in the year
#170. The most populous district of Himachal Pradesh is
#171. Scheduled Caste population of H.P is approximately how many percent of the total population of the state?
#172. Which of the following districts was earliest to be formed?
#173. Who was the first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh?
#174. The popular Holi festival is incomparably celebrated in Which place?
#175. The dance ‘Swang Tegi’ is performed during the festival of
#176. Which among the following districts of Himachal Pradesh has the least road network?
#177. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. She is more beautiful (A) / but not so intelligent (B)/ as her sister (C)/ no error (D)
#178. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. The patient will die (A) / before (B)/ the doctor comes (C)/ no error (D)
#179. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. I declared (A)/ that all will go wrong (B)/ without her (C)/no error (D)
#180. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. Work hard (A) / lest (B)/ you may not fail (C)/ no error(D)
#181. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. I will stand by you (A) / in (B) / thick and thin (C)/ no error (D)
#182. Every sentence (given below) is divided into three sections A, B and C. Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentence mark-D. No country of the world (A)/ is as beautiful as (B)/ India(C)/ no error (D).
#183. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. She said that she was feeling sick_____heart.
#184. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. I can write a book____grammer
#185. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. We searched____________happiness in vain.
#186. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. You are advised to write_________pencil.
#187. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. Beware_______ back-biters.
#188. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternatives, A, B, C and D. Our clothes were soaked________water.
#189. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी चुनिए
#190. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी चुनिए
#191. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी चुनिए
#192. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी चुनिए
#193. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी चुनिए
#194. ‘जो धन का दुरुपयोग करता हो के लिए एक शब्द है
#195. नीरस’ में कौन सा समास है।