#1. Name the site where Harappan ploughed field has been found:
#2. Name the place where Jaina texts were finally complied.
#3. Who among the following is the author of Milind Panho?
#4. . Find out among the following, the author of Muasir-i-Alamgiri?
#5. The temples located in the region between the Vindhyas and the Krishna river are known as:
#6. Which of the following Marathas was given a Manasab of 7000/7000 by Aurangzeb?
#7. Who abolished Dual Government in Bengal?
#8. Sidhu and Kanhu were associated with which one of the following?
#9. Who was the head of the boundary commission which demarcated the boundaries of India and Pakistan?
#10. Match the List I with List II :Select the correct answer from the codes given below: Codes: Choose an option:
List 1——————————– List 2
A) Dadabhai Naoroji ——1) Satyarth Prakash
B) Dayanand Sarswati ——2) Anand Math
C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak —— 3) Poverty and Un-British Rule of India Chatterjee
D) Bankim Chandra —– 4) Gita Rahasya