H.P TET question paper – 2013 -English Literature and Grammer




#1. Bombay Film Studios …………. hundreds of films each year.

#2. The doctor advised the obese person to …….. on fats in his meals.

#3. She …….. peacefully in her sleep.

#4. ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Emma’, Mansfield Park’ etc, are the creations of

#5. In whose novels would you find the imaginary town of ‘Malgudi’ ?

#6. ‘Macbeth’, ‘King Lear’, Measure for Measure are some of the plays by

#7. It is never too late to mend. It is ………………………………………

#8. He is too honest to accept a bribe. He is……………………………..

#9. A complete list of items (usually in book form), especially of things one can buy or look at

#10. A holy book/sacred writings of a religion

#11. One who takes part in a sport or other activity for pleasure

#12. The flowers and vegetation of a certain region

#13. A person with bad habits or faults which cannot be changed or corrected

#14. Blue person with bad habits or faults which cannot be changed or corrected

#15. I was playing football when my father ……

#16. The patient ……………… before the doctor came

#17. I …… so tired that I …………….. hardly stand on my feet .

#18. Many people ………… before the help ………….

#19. This matter …………… in the meeting tomorrow

#20. ‘Radius’

#21. ‘Child’

#22. ‘Curriculum’

#23. Quinine tastes bitter

#24. His behavior shocked me

#25. Manners reveal character

#26. Animals hibernate to

#27. The Skunk and Raccoon are not true hibernators as

#28. Bears are able to wake up quickly because

#29. Animals eat a lot before hibernating because

#30. Animals start preparing for hibernation when


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