#1. Visiting each element of a data structure for some processing is called:
#2. Which of the following is a linear data structure?
#3. Which of the following terms is not associated with the data structure?

#4. In which data structure, each node has the following structure?
#5. How many children does a leaf of a binary tree have?
#6. Which of the following is an invalid URL?
#7. What is the HTML tag to insert a line break in an HTML document?
#8. Which of the following HTML tag is used to insert an image in a web page?
#9. Which of the following languages is used to describe the style of HTML elements in web page?
#10. Which attribute of HTML tag is used to specify the URL of the hyperlink?
#11. How will you merge two adjacent cells of a table row in HTML?
#12. Who among the following is the inventor of Hyper Text Transfer protocol?
#13. Which of the following is a popular web-server software?
#14. Which of the following is the correct structure of an HTML document?
#15. How will you link an external CSS file in an HTML document?
#16. Which generation of computers used vacuum tubes?
#17. What is the unit if measuring CPU processing speed?
#18. Which of the following is the fastest memory type in a computer speed?
#19. Which in a computer provides the facility to the user to change the priority of booting options in the computer system?
#20. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a fundamental part of which of the following ?
#21. Which of the following types of memories in a computer system is also known as primary memory?
#22. What is the full form of LCD in context with computer monitor technology?
#23. Which of the following output devices is used to create a hard copy of some document?
#24. Different memory types in a computer system in increasing order of their speeds is
#25. Maximum number of pixels that can be display on a monitor screen is called its.
#26. Which of the following is a file format for digital audio files?
#27. Which of the following software applications is used forimage editing?
#28. Which mails are unsolicited e-mail messages (usually advertisements) sent to a large number of recipients?
#29. Which is the application ofICT for delivering Government services to the citizens?
#30. Which property of object-oriented programming languages enables to derive new classes by extending the existing classes?
#31. Which of the following statements is not true about Java programming language?
#32. Which of the following is the operatorin Java to create an object of a class?
#33. Which of the following is not an access control specifierin a Java class?
#34. Which of the following is not a component of MS office suite?
#35. Which of the following is a spreadsheet application software?
#36. What kind of data can be entered in the cells of a MS-Excel worksheet?
#37. What is the shortcut key to goto the end of an MS-Word Document?
#38. which of the following is an example of absolute cell reference in MS-Excel?
#39. Which layerin the ISO-OSI reference model is responsible for transmitting raw bits over a communication channel?
#40. Who among the following developed the TCP/IP protocol suite?
#41. Which of the following is an invalid IP (version 4) address?
#42. How many bits are there in a MAC (Media Access Control) address?
#43. Single-mode and multi-mode are two types of
#44. What is the IEEE standard for WiFi networking?
#45. What of the following ranges ofIP addresses is reserved for private use?
#46. which among the following wireless communication technologies has the longest range?
#47. Which of the following is unguided transmission medium?
#48. First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS), Robin (RR) and Shortest Job First (SJF) are the …………… scheduling algorithms.
#49. A …………. Is a program in execution.
#50. Which of the following computer operating systems is free and open – source?
#51. Which of the following is an example of system software?
#52. Which of the following is not a valid version of Microsoft Windows operating System?
#53. Which is the virtual assistant for Windows 10 operating system?
#54. Which is the shortcut key in Windows to show the ‘RUN’ box where you can type commands ?
#55. Microsoft …………. Is an Antivirus program built into Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.
#56. Which is a way to boot a Window-based computer in diagnostic mode when there is a systemcritical problem that interferes with the normal operation of Windows?
#57. The main job of a CPU is to
#58. The instruction code used in machine or assembly language which specifes the basic operations of the CPU is
#59. PCs are considered fourth-generation and contain
#60. Which option is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse?
#61. Trackball is an example of a/an
#62. Which printers have tiny hammer-like keys that strike the paper through an inked ribbon?
#63. Storage devices may be
#64. CD-ROM is a
#65. The base or radix of the decimal number system is
#66. The Unicode binary system uses ………. Bits per byte.
#67. An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?
#68. Which is true about pseudocode?
#69. Compilers are
#70. The operating system is the most common type of ……….. software.
#71. Multi-programming is made possible by
#72. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to copy a specifice file from one disk to another?
#73. A window that is displayed wherever the program requires additional information from you is called a/an
#74. To select a line in MS-Word, press this key and click anywhere in the sentence. This key is
#75. In a spreadsheet program, which contains related worksheets and documents?
#76. Which option can be used to set custom timings for slides in Power Point presentation?
#77. Prangla pass is located in which mountain range of H.P.?
#78. Nagru mountain peak is located in which district of H.P.?
#79. Rahla water spring is located in which district of H.P.?
#80. Mukila glacier is located in which district of H.P.?
#81. Bhadal’ is a tributary of which river in H.P.?
#82. Jahangir visited Kangra in which year ?
#83. The old name of Nalagarh was
#84. Who was elected the chairman of the Territorial council set up in 1956 in H.P.?
#85. Mandi division in H.P. comprises of how many districts?
#86. The first Lokayukta of H.P. was
#87. Y.S.Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojana in H.P. was introduced in which year?
#88. Which of the following is known as ‘Mushroom City of India’?
#89. HP formulated Hydro Power Policy in which year?
#90. Bhoti dialect is spoken in which district of H.P.?
#91. Suhi folk song is sung in praise of which of the following in H.P.?
#92. Complete the number series: 24 60 120 210 ?
#93. Complete the letter series:BXF,DVI,FTL,HRO, ?
#94. If 1 October is a Sunday, then 1 November will be
#95. . If P denotes /,Q denotes , R denotes +x,R denotes ‘+’ and S denotes ‘-‘ then 18Q12P4R5S6 =?
#96. IF 18 February, 1997 falls on Tuesday, then what will be the day on 18 February, 1999?
#97. Which state has recently launched a digital literacy programme titled ‘I am also digital ‘ ?
#98. Who is the first India Cricketer to Play in 150 Ranji Trophy matches?
#99. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), which was in news recently, is associated with research in which field?
#100. ‘SCORES’ is a mobile application of which regulatory body of India?
#101. Who has been appointed as the new Chief Information Commissioner of India?
#102. Buddhism in Nepal was introduced during the reign of
#103. Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by
#104. Who wrote Akbarnama?
#105. The First Bhakti movement was organized by
#106. Which was not an important centre of the revolt of 1857 ?
#107. Who said ‘Truth is the ultimate reality and it is God”?
#108. Which country has the longest written constitution?
#109. Article 14 of the Indian Constitution guarantees Indian citizens
#110. Vice President is
#111. By which bill, Government presents a proposal for annual revenue collection?
#112. Willy-Willy is a
#113. Palk strait connects India with
#114. The Eastern coastal Plain is also named as
#115. Indus river originates from
#116. The headquarter of RBI is
#117. Taxation is a tool of
#118. Typhoid is caused by
#119. Where are mesons found?
#120. Kidney stone are composed of d Monthly HP Current Affairs
#121. Antonym of ‘Amenable’ is
#122. One word substitution for ‘A child of unusual or remarkable talent’ is
#123. Meaning of the idiom ‘ Have a foot in the grave’ is
#124. ‘पुरुषोत्तम’ में समास है
#125. हाथ उठान ‘ मुहावरे का अर्थ है।
#126. दिवालय कौन सा शब्द है?
#127. Which of the following statement is not true about ‘C programming language?
#128. How is a macro defined in ‘C’ language?
#129. Which of the following is the correct statement in ‘C’ to read an integer value into a variable x?
#130. What will be the value returned by the following expression in a ‘C’ program? 5++; 4
#131. Which control structure is represented by the Flowchart segment shown below?
#132. What will be the value returned by the following expression in a ‘C’ program? 5 & 4 ;
#133. Which of the following is the correct statement in C to print the value of a floating point variable x with a precision of two positions after decimal point?
#134. Which of the following is the correct escape sequence for newline character?
#135. What will be the size of the array n after the following declaration in a ‘C’ program? Char n (_ = ‘Hello world ! “;
#136. Which of the following arithmetic operators cannot be used with a pointer variable?
#137. Which of the following is the right ‘C’ expression for the mathematical expression given below ?
#138. Which of the following arithmetic operators in ‘C’ requires a ‘valid value as its operand?
#139. What is the correct symbol for address operator in ‘C” ?
#140. Which of the following is the correct symbol for logical OR operator in ‘C’?
#141. Which of the following is the correct symbol for bitwise XOR operator in ‘C’ ?
#142. Which of the following is a formatted input function in ‘C”?
#143. Which of the following standard header files in ‘C’ defines the function fscanf()?
#144. Which of the following types of expressions is not allowed as Switch expression in switch …… case statement in ‘C’?
#145. Which of the following statements is not true about functions in ‘C’ programming?
#146. What will be the output produced by the following statement in a ‘C’ Programe? Printf (“%x”, 64 );
#147. What is the full form of SQL?
#148. How many layers are there in ANSI/SPARC model of database architecture?
#149. Which of the following shapes is used to represent a relationship in ER diagram of a database?
#150. A …………. Key consists of one or more columns of a database table used to uniquely identify the records of that table.
#151. The Cartesian product of two database tables having two columns and four rows each will result in relation with …… columns and ……… rows.
#152. Which of the following constraints in relational databases is used to enforce referential integrity?
#153. Which of the following is a DDL SQL command?
#154. The …………. Of two database tables contain all the rows which are common in both tables.
#155. Which of the following is the correct SQL query that fetches the diĄerent ‘ surname’ from the ‘employee’ table without any duplicate values?
#156. Which of the following is not a Relational Database Management System?
#157. What is 2’s compliment of the binary number 00110001 ?
#158. What is the equivalent binary number of (123 ) ?
#159. Which of the following Boolean algebra equations is known as DeMorgan’s law?
#160. Which of the following is a sequential digital circuit?