H.P TET question paper –2019 – Child Psychology And Development Pedagogy




#1. Child Centred Education was advocated by which of the following thinkers ?

#2. ……….. is the process of arousing, sustaining and regulating activity.

#3. The children whose I.Q. is above 140 will be categorized in the category:

#4. Multiple Intelligence theory of Intelligence was given by:

#5. The Principle of ‘Trial and error’ was propounded by:

#6. ………….. plays a significant role in the development of personality.

#7. The cephalocaudal principle of development explains that development proceeds from :

#8. “Dyslexia” is associated with :

#9. Orthopedically impaired children are likely to have :

#10. Who are responsible for the development of traits in organisms ?

#11. Who created the concept kindergarten ?

#12. Which of the following is a correct sequence of human development ?

#13. The greatest contribution of Psychology to education is :

#14. The nature-nurture debate refers to:

#15. When a Teacherconsiders boys as naturally better at Mathematics than girls, it shows that a teacher is :

#16. A child having some problem in seeing objects. Acc. t NCF 2005 he should be admitted in :

#17. Which of the following factor has only the effect/positive effect on learning ?

#18. Which of the following is not a domain of learning ?

#19. Problem Solving is necessary for …… of children.

#20. Which one is not the psychological factor?

#21. What type of factor motivation is :

#22. Who established first Psychological Laboratory in Leipzing University Germany ?

#23. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation is :

#24. Which of the following is not an Intelligence Test ?

#25. Which of the following is not a development disorder ?

#26. Child – Centred Pedagogy means :

#27. Which of the following factors affects Learning ?

#28. Which of the following age group fall under later childhood category ?

#29. Who has central place in education according to child psychology ?

#30. Human personality is the result of :


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