H.P TET question paper –2018 -Child Psychology and Development Pedagogy




#1. The formulae for calculating intelligence quotient (IQ) is

#2. According to Piaget, Egocentric is …………….

#3. According to RTE act, admission of a child to a particular class is on the basis of ………………

#4. Concrete operational stage of cognitive development covers are range from………….

#5. ‘Educational Psychology is the science of education’. This definition was given by:

#6. Which of the following methods helps to study children with special needs ?

#7. Who said that, “Mental hygiene means investigation of the laws of mental health and taking of measures for its prevention “.

#8. . “Senses are the gateways of knowledge”, was emphasized by

#9. Learning is a process Of Progressive ……….. adaptation

#10. The first psychological laboratory was established by :

#11. Children whose mental age is lower than their chronological age are called ………..

#12. “Not being able to recognise words” is which kind of learning disability

#13. According to Freud, the aggressive behaviour is related to

#14. Who is the founder of play way method ?

#15. Which of the following is the most essential component of experimentation ?

#16. Who said, ‘Infancy is the ideal period of learning’ ?

#17. A child’s academic achievement is less than 70. The child is …… :

#18. Which among the following needs are higher order needs ?

#19. ‘Identical Elements Theory’ of transfer of learning was given by ……..

#20. Koh’s block design test is……………

#21. Latent learning refers to………………..

#22. What is the mean and standard deviation of 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively ?

#23. Anything that elicits a response without prior learning is a …………………..

#24. Motiva is a ………………….

#25. The formulae for calculation of mode is……………….. ;

#26. Verbal guidance is least effective in teaching ……….

#27. Backward children possess…………………….. :

#28. ‘Standard Progressive Matrices’ by J.C. Raven is used to measure ……………..

#29. Which of the following is a correct sequence of motivation cycle ?

#30. CEE stand for………………..


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