COMPUTER MEMORY MCQ Questions and Answers




#1. Which is representative of the size of the memory?

#2. Where is data saved permanently?

#3. Where are programs and data to be used by the computer available?

#4. How many types of memory does a computer have?

#5. Primary storage is ………. as compared to secondary storage.

#6. The key feature(s) of internal memory is/are

#7. Internal storage is also called main

#8. The two kinds of main memory are

#9. Which memory is used as temporary memory?

#10. Which of the following is a correct definition of volatile memory?

#11. Cache and main memory will not be able to hold their contents when the power is OFF. They are

#12. Which of the following is not an access mode?

#13. ……memory in a computer is where information is temporarily stored while it is being accessed or worked on by the processor.

#14. Why RAM is so called?

#15. Which of the following is not true about RAM?

#16. Virtual memory allocates hard disk space to supplement the immediate, functional memory capacity of

#17. Information stored in RAM need to be

#18. Storage that retains its data after the power is turned OFF is referred to as

#19. Dynamic RAM consumes …… power and …… than static RAM.

#20. Which of the following memory chip is faster?

#21. The advantage of DRAM is

#22. What is called the permanent memory built into your computer?

#23. Permanent instructions that the computer use when it is turned ON and that cannot be changed by other instructions are contained in

#24. Which of the following is not a ROM?

#25. When you first turn on a computer, the CPU is preset to execute instructions stored in the

#26. A disc’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased by the user is

#27. An area of computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is

#28. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is …… and storage is ……… .

#29. Cache memory acts between

#30. The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetched from

#31. Which of the following is the high speed memory which compensates the gap in speeds of processor and main memory?

#32. ……… acts as temporary high speed holding area between the memory and the CPU thereby improving processing capabilities.

#33. Which of the following statements is/are true?

#34. ……… is having more memory addresses than are physically available.

#35. Virtual memory is

#36. ……… is the ability of a device to ‘jump’ directly to the requested data.

#37. The ……… is the amount of data that a storage device can move from the storage to the computer per second.

#38. The main directory of a disk is called the ……… directory.

#39. The …… indicates how much data a particular storage medium can hold.

#40. What is the main folder on a storage device?

#41. Which of the following computer’s memory is characterised by low cost per bit stored?

#42. Secondary storage

#43. 43. Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?

#44. The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform

#45. Where do you save the data that, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned OFF?

#46. The term ……… refers to data storage systems that make it possible for a computer or electronic device to store and retrieve data.

#47. The storage device used to compensate for the difference in rates of flow of data from one device to another is termed as

#48. Which of the following is the magnetic storage device?

#49. The concentric circles on the floppy disk are further divided into

#50. A track location that cuts across all platters is called a

#51. The primary device that a computer uses to store information is

#52. Hard disk devices are considered …… storage.

#53. The thick, rigid metal plotters that are capable of retrieving information at a high rate of speed are known as

#54. Hard drive is used to store

#55. The hard drive is normally located

#56. Data on a floppy disk is recorded in rings called

#57. Which of the following is/are example(s) of magnetic storage media?

#58. Floppy disks are organised as

#59. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is

#60. The most common storage device for the personal computer is the

#61. Which of the following has the smallest storage capacity?

#62. ‘FDD’ stands for

#63. ……… is the process of dividing the disc into tracks and sectors.

#64. Data on a floppy disk was recorded in rings called

#65. Tape drive provides …… access to data.

#66. Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because tape is

#67. Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?

#68. Which of the following can hold maximum data?

#69. Which storage device is mounted on ‘reels’?

#70. Which of the following storage devices can be used for storing large backup data?

#71. On a CD-RW, you can

#72. Which of the following are advantages of CD-ROM as a storage media?

#73. Which media has the ability to have data/information stored (written) on them by users more than once?

#74. What is the difference between a CD-ROM and CD-RW?

#75. Compact disc that can store approximately 650-800 MB of data or 74-80 min of music are

#76. The CD-ROM drive is used to

#77. A flat metallic disk that contains a large amount of permanently stored information read optically, is called a

#78. CD-ROM is an example of

#79. Which of the following has the largest storage capacity for removable media?

#80. Which of the following is an example of optical disc?

#81. DVD refers to

#82. ADVD is an example of a(n)

#83. Which of the following discs can be read only?

#84. These memories are used in many electronic devices, including digital camera, mobile phones etc.

#85. Which is not a storage device?

#86. Which of the following is not an example of secondary storage device?

#87. The size of any word/number in a computer is measured in

#88. The term bit is short for

#89. A ‘bit’ refers to

#90. Which among the following is another name for a group of 4 bits?

#91. How many bits make a half byte?

#92. Which of the following is the smallest measure of storage?

#93. A byte can represent any number between 0 and

#94. A byte is a collection of

#95. A collection of 8 binary digits 0’s or 1’s in a string format is known as

#96. ……… are used to measure both computer memory (RAM) and storage capacity of Floppy disks, CD-ROM drives and Hard drives.

#97. How many bits are equal to one byte ?

#98. Instructions and memory address are represented by

#99. The computer abbreviation KB usually means

#100. Kilobyte equals to how many bytes?

#101. One thousand bytes represent a

#102. Which of the following statements is valid?

#103. A …… is approximately a million bytes.

#104. What does the computer abbreviation ‘MB’ used for?.

#105. The amount of memory (RAM or ROM) is measured in

#106. How many kilobytes make a megabyte?

#107. A … is approximately one billion bytes.

#108. The term ‘gigabyte’ refers to

#109. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

#110. Which of the following is correct sequence of smallest to largest unit of storage size?

#111. ……. (HHDD) is a technology where the conventional disk drive is combined with non-volatile flash memory, of typically 128 MB or more to cache data during normal use.


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