Skyroot Aerospace tested 3D Printed Cryogenic Engine

Current Affairs

  • Recently Indian private space vehicle company Skyroot Aerospace has tested 3D printed cryogenic engine Dhawan-II for a record 200 seconds for its heavy vehicle Vikram-II.
  • Dhawan-II is a 3.5 Kilo Newton (kN) engine named after Dr. Satish Dhawan, India’s top rocket scientist.
  • The newly tested engine is a successor to the fully cryogenic rocket engine Dhawan-I, which has a thrust of 1.0 kN.
  • The cryogenic rocket engine uses two high-performance rocket fuels, LNG and LoX, which require cryogenic temperatures (below -150° Celsius) for storage and operation.
  • LNG contains more than 90% methane, and LoX is a clean-burning, environmentally friendly fuel.
  • This major milestone has been accomplished at the Solar Industries Propulsion Test Facility in Nagpur, Maharashtra using an indigenously developed mobile cryogenic engine test pad.
  • Earlier in November 2022, Skyroot launched India’s first privately developed rocket Vikram-S, which made the firm the first Indian private company to send a rocket into space.

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