Haryana police get 1st position in Crime and Criminal Tracking and Network System (CCTNS) ranking

Current Affairs

  • Haryana Police has secured the first position in the latest Crime and Criminal Tracking and Network System (CCTNS) progress ranking released at all India level. State Police secured the top position with 99.99 marks.
  • Apolice spokesperson said the ranking had been released for February 2023. The Haryana Police has achieved this position by outperforming many states, which dominated the all-India rankings so far.
  • The award was received at the Annual CCTNS Conference on Good Practices in Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) organized by National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs in New Delhi.
  • Haryana DGP PK Agarwal has congratulated the entire police department for repeating this achievement. He said excellent performance in the field of CCTNS at the national level would boost the morale of the police to further use this technology more efficiently in their daily work.
  • Himachal Pradesh has topped the CCTNS progress ranking for January 2023 with a score of 99.77. Uttar Pradesh secured the second position with a score of 99.01, while Gujarat secured the third position with a score of 97.08.

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