#1. Which is the correct statement? A Board of Road Transport Corporation shall consist of a Chairman and such Directors being:
#2. The Meetings of Board of Transport Corporation shall meet:
#3. Which of the following statements / Statements is / are not correct? (I) Every Transport Corporation shall consist of a Managing Director, a Chief Accounts Officer and a financial Advisory appointed by the state government. (II) Same person may not be appointed as Chief Accounts Officer and Financial Advisor (III) A Secretary may be appointed by the State of government for efficient discharge of Board’s functions. (IV) The State government may constitute one or more Advisory councils with the consultation of the Corporation. CODES:
#4. Read both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give the correct answer by using the codes given below. Assertion (A). A Corporation can establish one or more Subsidiary corporation with the concurrence of the State government and the central government, if expedient or necessary to do so for more efficient discharge of its functions. Reason (R) : A Subsidiary Corporation shall have a Managing Director, A Chief Accounts Officer and a Financial Advisory or a Chief Accounts Officer cum Financial Advisor and such Officers to be appointed by the state Government. Codes :
#5. Match List I with List II and give the correct answer by using the codes given below:
(A) I-(a) II-(c) III-(d) IV-(b)
(B) I-(d) II-(b) III-(c) IV-(a)
(C) I-(b) II-(c) III-(d) IV-(a)
(D) I-(c) II-(b) III-(a) IV-(d)
Ans (A)
#6. Match List I with List II and give the correct answer by using the codes given below:
(A) a-I b-II c-III d-IV
(B) a-II b-III c-IV d-I
(C) a-IV b-III c-II d-I
(D) a-III b-IV c-I d-II
Ans (D)