GPS-based Location Services: Tracking and Controlling COVID-19 Spread in India



Discuss the role of Global Positioning System (GPS), based location services in monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in India. (HPAS Mains Question Paper 2022 – GS 3, Q.7)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) and location-based services have been crucial in tracking the spread of COVID-19 in India.

Here are some examples of how GPS-based location services have been used to monitor and control the virus’s spread:

  • Contact tracing: GPS and location-based services have been used to track the movements of COVID-19-positive individuals. Contact tracing apps use GPS technology to pinpoint the infected person’s location and notify those who have come into contact with them.
  • Monitoring for quarantine: GPS-based location services have been used to track people who have been advised to quarantine. This helps to ensure that they stay at home rather than move around in the community, which could spread the virus.
  • Real-time tracking: GPS-based location services have been used to track people’s movements in specific areas in real-time. This has proven helpful in monitoring the activity of individuals who have violated quarantine or lockdown rules.
  • Geofencing: Geofenced areas have been created around COVID-19 hotspots using GPS-based location services. This helps to limit the movement of people in and out of these areas, which can aid in the prevention of virus spread.
  • Allocation of resources: GPS-based location services have been used to track the movement of critical resources like medical supplies and personnel. This has contributed to the effective and efficient use of these resources.
  • Public awareness: GPS-based location services have been used to provide real-time information about COVID-19’s spread in various areas. This has aided in raising public awareness and educating people about the virus’s dangers.

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