#1. Which metal was first used by the humans ?
#2. Which God was worshipped by the people of Indus Valley ?
#3. Who established the ‘Four Math’ (religious centre) in four corners of India?
#4. Which religious Sikh Guru established the city of Amritsar :
#5. Who was the first leader to declare Mahatma Gandhi ‘Father of Nation’ ?
#6. In which session ‘Tri Colour’ was accepted as Indian National Flag .
#7. Where is the capital of Assam state. ?
#8. Where is the longest railway platform is situated in India.?
#9. The newsprint paper is obtained from which in India ?
#10. arbha and Dandia are the the main Folk Dances of which state. ?
#11. Which plane is nearer to Earth in solar system. ?
#12. Which country is the maximum producer of banana in the world.?
#13. Which is the longest river in India.?
#14. ‘Kanha Natiuonal Park’ is situated in which state.
#15. Which city is having maximum population in India.?
#16. Which was the great centre of trade and commerce in India in the Gupta period.?
#17. Which state is having maximum population of schedule tribe (S.T) in India.
#18. In which article the directive principles of state policies are mentioned in Constitution. ?
#19. In which list ‘Education subject’ mentioned in Indian constituation.
#20. Which Prime Minister of India did not face the Parliament.?
#21. Which veda is known as ‘Veda of Melogies’ in India.?
#22. In Buddhist Religion after the enlightment where the Mahatma Budha delivered his first sermon.:
#23. Dada Sahib Phalke award is given for outstanding contribution in the field of:
#24. In India who adopted English as Medium of Education ?
#25. In slave Dynasty which Ruler adopted ‘Blood Versus Blood’ policy to finish their opponent ?
#26. In Mugal period which Emperor established ‘Din-e-Ellahi’?
#27. Where is the birth place of last Guru of Sikhas SH. Guru Govind Singh.?
#28. Who was the first Indian Governor General of Independent India.?
#29. Who established ‘Arya Samaj’ at Bombay in 1875 of the following?
#30. The Founder of Muslim lerague Mohammad Ali Jinnah when demanded Pakistan as separate Muslim country.