ALLIED question paper – 2019-GK





#1. How many medals India won in 18 Asian Games in Jakarta & Palembang (Indonesia) ? (2019)

#2. Who became the First Indian woman to win Asian Games gold medal in Shooting during 18 Asian Games? (2019)

#3. Among the following who has been appointed as Director General of Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi? (2019)

#4. In 2018, who has not been awarded UN Prize in the field of Human Rights? (2019)

#5. Which joint military exercise was recently conducted between Pakistan and Russia? (2019)

#6. Who is appointed as Chairman of Union Public Service Commission? (2019)

#7. How many foreigners have been given Padma Award is 2018 ? (2019)

#8. In which of the following fields is Nobel Prize not given?

#9. In which year was first Bharat Ratna Award given in India?

#10. Who has been given Jnanpith Award, 2018 ? (2019)

#11. Which institution gives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International understanding? (2019)

#12. Military exercise- ‘Exercise Indra 2018’ – has been conducted by India with which country ? (2019)

#13. In 2018, which of the following has been awarded Nobel Prize in Physics? (2019)

#14. In which city of India International Gita Festival was held form 7-23 December 2018 ? (2019)

#15. Which date has been declared as World’s Tolerance Day by the UNESCO?

#16. Which regional economic organization has been revamped as USMCA? (20190

#17. Which book won Man Booker Prize, 2018 ? (2019)

#18. Who is the Prime Minister of Bhutan ? (2019)

#19. Which state Pavilion got the best state pavilion award in India International Trade Fair, 2018 ? (2019)

#20. Prior to President Rule in Jammu & Kashmir this is called Governor Rule for 6 months, under which Article of J&K constitution?

#21. Which India Born woman joined as first woman Chief Economist of IMF?(2019)

#22. Which building/ monument has been declared as of National Importance by ASI in 2018? (2019)

#23. Which is the new Act passed by the USA in 2019 to increase the letter’s security interests in Indo-Pacific region?

#24. Who is appointed as Chief Information Commission (CIC) OF India? (2019)

#25. Which two countries have oficially withdrew from UUNESCO ? (2019)

#26. With the latest amendment in Representation of People Act, an NRI can vote in which way? (2019)

#27. In which country 4th Conference of BIMSTEC was held? (2019)

#28. Which are the Five States who have recently signed the Caspian Sea Legal Treaty? (2019)

#29. Which unconventional hydrocarbons are allowed to be explored and exploited under the new policy of the government? (2019)

#30. Who is considered to be the initiator of Naxalite movement in Naxalbari area in West Bangal? (2019)

#31. In the conservation of environment what REOD stands for?

#32. What is ‘Petcoke’?

#33. Which is the joint military combat exercise between India and US army held in 2018? (2019)

#34. Which existing National Park has been divided into two divisions? (2019)

#35. Recently Madhya Pradesh Government has revived the plan to reintroduce Cheetahs in which Sanctuary? (2019)

#36. Recently Nagaland Government has declared which wildlife sanctuary as Elephant- Reserve? (2019)

#37. Government of India has recently established Wildlife Genetic Resource Bank (NWGRB) in which city? (2019)

#38. MHRD’S national initiative IMPRINT stand for what?

#39. Australia’s which current document is going to determine its future relations with India? (2019)


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