It is for the information of all concerned that Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct the Objective Type Screening Test for the post of Assistant Professor (CC) Botany and Assistant Professor (CC) Zoology on 24th May, 2023 and 26th May, 2023 from 03:00 P.M. to 05:00 P.M respectively.
As per the decision conveyed by the Govt. in the Department of Higher Education, H.P vide Letter No. EDN-A-Kha(2)34/2015-Loose-III dated 17-04-2023 in compliance to CWP No’s 2986/2022, 2988/2022, 2991/2022, 2987/2022, 2985/2022, 4816/2022, 4272/2022, 4261/2022, 3528/2022, 4046/2022, 4047/2022, 3931/2022, 3933/2022 and 4032/2022, candidates having Masters Degree in the subject of Microbiology and Biotechnology cannot be considered as qualification in “relevant” subject for the post of Assistant Professor (CC) Botany and Assistant Professor (CC) Zoology.
Therefore, in view of above, the candidates having their Masters Degree in the subject of Microbiology and Biotechnology will not be considered for the post of Assistant Professor (CC) Botany and Assistant Professor (CC) Zoology.