#1. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and controls how the computer works well all its parts?
#2. ……… controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
#3. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called
#4. It is the program that manages the hardware of the computer system including the CPU, memory storage devices and input/output devices.
#5. An operating system is a/an
#6. Which of the following is the correct reason to use an operating system?
#7. The primary purpose of the Windows operating system is
#8. Every computer has a(n) ……, many also have ……
#9. Which of the following is/are function of operating system?
#10. A program in execution is called
#11. Memory utilisation factor shall be computed as
#12. Which one of the following is not the function of operating system?
#13. When a file contains instruction that can be carried out by the computer, it is often called a(n) …… file.
#14. Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time, is called
#15. ………… is used for very large files or where a fast response time is not critical. The files to be transmitted are gathered over a period and then send together as a batch.
#16. Which of the following system is a function of dedicated PCs?
#17. Windows operating system is …… and …… .
#18. Operating system that allows only one user to work on a computer at a time is known as
#19. An operating system is said to be multiuser, if
#20. …… provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs or programs to run simultaneously.
#21. Which of the following terms explains the execution of more than one file at the same on a single processor?
#22. …… is a feature for scheduling and multi-programming to provide an economical interactive system of two or more users.
#23. The simultaneously processing of two or more programs by multiple processors, is
#24. Real time systems must have
#25. RTOS stands for
#26. System running more than one process concurrently are called
#27. Which of the following refers to the means by which an OS or any other program interacts with the user?
#28. The first graphical user interface was designed by
#29. ……… only uses text types one after another just as commands used in MS-DOS
#30. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and connected properly?
#31. What happens when you boot up a PC?
#32. What do you understand by the term ‘booting’?
#33. Restart of computer is called …… when computer is already ON.
#34. The first version of Unix was developed by
#35. The PC (Personal Computer) and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different
#36. Which of the following is an operating system?
#37. Linux is a type of …… software.
#38. Which of these is not a part of the UNIX operating system?
#39. Windows software was developed by a company called
#40. Which of the following is the latest version of MS Windows?
#41. WINDOWS, UNIX and LINUX are called …….. .
#42. Which among the following is not a mobile operating system?
#43. Which of the following operating systems was first developed by Microsoft?
#44. Which one of the following file names is invalid in DOS?
#45. Which one of the following DIR commands lists a group of files?
#46. ‘DOS’ floppy disk/operating system does not have
#47. Which file in MS-DOS contains internal commands that are loaded during booting process?
#48. What is the name of the batch file that is automatically run when MS-DOS is booted?
#49. MS-DOS is usually supplied on a
#50. Which of the following is the main program of MS-DOS?
#51. Which of the following operating systems is also known as single user operating system?
#52. The main difference between Windows and DOS is the ability to
#53. ‘>’ symbol in DOS commands is used to
#54. Usually, in MS-DOS, the primary hard disk drives has the drive letter ……… .
#55. Which of the following is not usual file extension in DOS?
#56. Which commands are automatically loaded into main memory?
#57. Which type of commands in MS-DOS needs external files to perform their action?
#58. Which one of the following DOS commands sends contents of the screen to an output device?
#59. Which of the following is not an external command of DOS?
#60. CHKDSK can be used to find
#61. While working with MS-DOS, which command transfers a specific file from one disk to another?
#62. DEL command is used to
#63. This command is used to display a list of files and sub-directories that are in the directory you specify.
#64. The purpose of DISKCOPY command is to
#65. Which command is used to delete file from a directory in DOS?
#66. In MS-DOS, which of the following commands is used to delete directory with all sub-directories and files?
#67. Which one of the following DOS commands sends contents of the screen to an output device?
#68. . In DOS, the DIR command is used to
#69. The DOS command, which cannot be executed with versions 1 and 2 is
#70. Which of the following is not an internal command of DOS?
#71. Which one of the following is an MS-DOS external command?
#72. A command, in DOS, used to set a name to a disk, is
#73. In DOS, the ‘label’ command is used to
#74. Which of the following is not an operating system?
#75. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk, so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as