Recruitment of Project Associate – I at IIT Mandi – 2023


Applications from Indian nationals are invited under the following project on a temporary basis with consolidated salary. The renewal of services for a few months/a year or up to the duration of the project will be based on satisfactory performance.

Post Details:-

Title of the ProjectDeployment of low-cost landslide monitoring and warning system
Funding AgencyDistrict Disaster Management Authority Mandi
Name(s) of the Project Investigator(s)Dr. Varun Dutt (PI) and Dr. K.V. Uday (Co-PI)
School/CenterIndian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA) Centre
Duration of the ProjectIn months: 36 End date: 23/02/2024
Post (s) Name Project Associate – I
Consolidated Payslab / SalaryRs. 15,000 p.m.

Click here for the Official Notification

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